Monday, September 26, 2016

Looking at Twitter

Top Market Timer, Mark Leibovit takes a look at Twitter in this four minute video:

Happy Trading.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Adding a list of Weekly Options to MetaStock

A frequent question from MetaStock users is how to get a list of weekly options into MetaStock.  

 I've prepared a Spreadsheet that includes all of the CBOE Weekly Options Symbols.  Since I've put all the symbols in the Reuters Instrument Codes, it is ready to be used in MetaStock.  

To add these to MetaStock simply follow these simple instructions.

1) Open the spreadsheet file here.
2) Choose the Download option in the upper right hand side of your screen. 
3) Open the File when it completes Downloading.  
4) Open MetaStock and Click on the Chart option in the PowerConsole.
5) Right Click on the Custom Online Data List as shown in the screen capture below

6) Choose New
7) Type in name for your list under List Name
8) Go back to your spreadsheet and highlight column A by clicking on the column header.  
9) Click Ctrl-C to copy the list to your clipboard.  
10) Toggle back to your new custom list. 
11) Hover your mouse over the blank area and use Ctrl-V to past your clipboard into the new list

It should look like this:

Click on the Save button.  

Your new list is available and ready to use!

Thanks for using MetaStock!

Happy Trading.

Jeff Gibby
Director of Sales

Tuesday, September 6, 2016