Contributed by MetaStock Support
Some of the System Tests look for optimized values based off of the data set and security you are testing. Optimization values can change with each new data point coming into the chart, so the optimization values can constantly change. Since optimization values are ever changing, it would be impossible to create an Exploration\Expert including all the different optimization values. This is why there are not matching Explorations and Experts for each System Test.
Below are instructions to create an Expert Advisor that uses optimization values found in the System Tester. The same steps can be used for non-optimized System Tests, you will simply not need to replace OPT1, etc with a value.
To create an Expert from an Optimized test:
1) First, you need to run the System Tester to get the optimization value. Open the System Tester.
2) After opening the System Tester, choose the formula you wish to create an Expert Advisor for. For this example, we selected "Equis - Bollinger Bands". Click the "Edit" button. Once the information appears, click the "Buy Order" tab, highlight the formula and copy it.
To create an Expert Advisor symbol (based off a Buy Order):
3) Close the System Tester and open the Expert Advisor.
4) After opening the Expert Advisor, select the "New" button. Then name your expert and add any helpful notes in the notes area.
5) Go to the "Symbols" tab and select "New". Paste the copied formula from the System Tester in the "Condition" area and give the symbol a name. Anywhere in the formula that opt1 is listed, insert the optimization value found in the System Tester.
6) After naming the symbol and pasting the formula on the "Name" tab, click on the "Graphic" tab and assign a graphic for your Expert Symbol.
7) After saving your new Expert Advisor, you will see it listed.
8) Here is a screen shot of the Expert Advisor we created generating a signal.
To create an Expert Advisor alert (based off a Buy Order):
(Use steps one and two from "To create an Expert from an Optimized test")
3) After opening the Expert Advisor, click the "New" button. Create a name for your new Expert Alert and add any notes you feel necessary in the space provided. Once you have completed these steps, click on the "Alerts" tab.
4) Select "New" once you have clicked on the "Alerts" tab. Name the Alert and copy and paste the formula taken from the System Tester in the "Condition" area. Anywhere in the formula that opt1 is listed, insert the optimization value found in the System Tester.
5) Click on the "Alert" tab. This will allow you to specify how you would like to be notified when a signal is generated.
6) You can see your Expert Advisor listed with the rest of the Expert Advisors once you set your Alert method.
To create an Expert Advisor symbol (based off a Sell Order):
You will need to close the Expert Advisor window and re-open the System Tester. Highlight and Edit the System Test. Go to the "Sell Order" tab and copy the formula. Repeat all of the same steps, making sure you name them "sell".
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